Cambridge Collection

The Roxbury street art and weathered political posters that I photographed in Cambridge and Roxbury came from an environment of social protest that I recognized. I was an outsider, an observer, and in this formative period what I saw in these gritty urban environments seemed intriguing, vital, vibrant even as it arose from a sense of abandonment and neglect. This was much more gripping than Harvard

Political posters also played a role, particularly in my décollageseries (created by the tearing away of original images) taken on medium-format film for texture and detail. The posters reflect political agitation of radical factions, marginal Marxist groups, in other words the ferment of the post-Vietnam period. For the most part they were stapled to the rusty iron fire doors of the venerable Harvard Square Theater, which, I recently learned, has been empty for many years. In the harsh New England climate, these posters would weather and peal—or be torn—thus creating an urban palimpsest.


Overgrown Filling Station

Image 16 of 19

August 1978